From stress and struggle to inner peace, ease and fulfillment

Turn wishes into reality -
Unleash the best version of yourself and your life


What is that you really want?

What life do you really want to live?

What hopes do you really want to come true?

What dreams do you really want to be fulfilled?

Welcome to where it can all happen

Maybe you feel that relationships, communication, motivation, finance, sleep -
have become more
 challenging, stressful, exhausting than ever.

That you are expected and should be grateful for everything you have -
but how can you, when inside you feel unhappy, disappointed, stuck, lost??
(and therefore, maybe, also guilty?)

That you are just fed up with trying SO hard and still finding yourself in the same upsetting situations and arguments, over and over.

And truly wish you could just escape from it all and disappear to a distant place...

...This was exactly me, 10 years ago. 

Mad, stressed, frustrated, taking everything and everyone on my shoulders - and angry and resentful for getting so little in return.

Wishing to be discovered, or at least appreciated for everything I give,
instead I felt unfulfilled and sad, and not accepted or understood enough.

Despite all the big adorable things I did, inside I knew the truth - that I'm a little unfit child in an adults world.
That everyone knows what to do and how to be - except for me.

And if someone discovered who I really am, they would probably let me go and move on.
So I just need to keep hiding my true self, and keep up the show.

I already worked with others for more than a decade, helped them to make awesome magic and accomplish their inspiring dreams -
but they were brave and brilliant, surely not like me... And I didn't know how to make the same magic for myself.

Now before I continue, let me ask you:

What if you had a safe space,

to be unconditionally embraced and empowered at?

To gain and practice practical profound tools and proven self work processes to better deal with life and its constant change,

to establish and implement sustainable inner peace, self confidence, free choice, precise manifestations,

surrounded by like minded soulful companions?

Welcome home, Master.

Inbal is here, it is such a pleasure to see you.

Since 2000 I have been working with brave people, probably just like you -
strong, intelligent, self aware women and men, 

who aspire to make their everyday life better, are willing to face their hidden deep chasms and destructive patterns, and eager to dive into a profound self healing and clear the way for internal and external freedom, balance and harmony and life of joy and abundance.

Stay with us if you are ready to discover how to:

  • Show up peaceful, confident, genuine and generous through embracing your authentic path

  • Turn relationships and friendships into loving and respectful and create bridges through healthy communication

  • Navigate conflicts and challenges smoothly by synchronizing your emotions and unconscious energy

  • Establish an inner stable, reliable core to better hendle pain and hurt

  • Develop a fulfilling career while applying what has purpose and meaning to you

  • Maintain healthy body and lifestyle that follow your natural flow and pace

  • Ground, balance and focus to make your dreams come true

Being a part of the Rise And Evolve Through Life transformation,

means that you get empowered to make your life what you always wanted it to be -

you have everything you need to:

  • Wake up and connect to your true authentic self, to your deep truth and your to brilliant superpowers

  • Practice making choices and acting from your real wants, needs, desires and dreams

  • Watch how the reality, the relationships, the confidence, the abundance and the life you really want, are being easily attracted and manifested in front of your eyes

Eye opening Resources, tools and trainings are waiting for you inside to be constantly delivered to you through:

> Individual guidance and support <

> Supported self-paced trainings <

> Online masterclasses, workshops and Q&A sessions <

> Open minded journey community <

> Advanced practical tools <

> Next level events <

> Special members only fees <

> Bonuses and treats <

What is waiting for you inside the

Rise And Evolve Through Life 
Membership Academy And Communities Of Practice?

*Availability varies depending on the chosen path

~ My dedicated guidance and support on your personal journey

Via emails, text messages and Laser phone calls

  • A hand in hand guidance and support
  • Accountability partnership on demand
  • Proceed and practice at your pace
  • Move safely from milestone to milestone to establish beneficent lifestyle and habits, open new possibilities and reach extraordinary breakthroughs

~ Online live practical masterclass, workshops and Q&A sessions

Some of the topics we will explore:

  • Finding the hidden unconscious mechanisms control behavior, life and reality
  • Connecting with and gaining back your original powers
  • Strengthening self love, self trust and self confidence
  • creating inner peace, joy, harmony and freedom
  • Developing the best practices to deal with challenges and changes
  • Discovering your unique talents, gifts and skills
  • Understanding the journey and the destiny
  • Attracting anything you want into your life
  • Living your dream to its fullest

~ Private community - out of social media

Continuous connections, inspiration and updates

  • Ask questions, get insights, meet and discuss with soulful like minded people
  • Stay updated about sessions, classes, new resources and new published activities

~ Constantly renewing selection of profound empowering resources

Grow and thrive at your own pace and schedule

  • Videos, guides, digital downloads, sessions recordings and more
  • Evolvement focused newsletter

~ Exclusive events, bonuses and treats

Enjoy, discover, expand

Dreams can come true - make a wish!

~ Members exclusive rates

Permanent and spacial:

  • Up to 40% Off on single private sessions
  • Significant discount on selected programs
  • Special prices on workshops and events

Price Lock-In Guarantee

Keep your sign-up price as long as renewals continue without lapses. Cancel anytime.

Rise And Evolve Through Life

Membership paths

Heal Your Reality
every month
Self Paced Foundations

Rise and Thrive
every month
Fully Supported DIY
Freedom is Magic
every month
Pro Manifestation
Initial 70min Jump-Off session (Val. $240)
Give it a try: $48 for the first month

Including a monthly 70min 1:1 work session (Val. $240)
Including a monthly 130min 1:1 work session (Val. $400)
Online monthly masterclass + Q&A

Fundamental DIY self growth resources

Free Clarity Calls
Exclusive journey Community of Practice

20% off on private single sessions 
Evolvement focused newsletter
Individual guidance and support

Accountability partnership
Mastery workshops, series and classes 
Significant discount on advanced courses

30% off on private single sessions
PREREQUISITE:  Completion of a PREMIUM/VIP program
Advanced masterclasses and special events 
Hot Seat and Q&A Mastersoul Sessions
Free Your Mind - Practical workshops 
VIP Community of Practice

40% off on private single sessions

What happens after I register?

~ To begin the journey, you will receive a Welcome Email with an immediate access to the Members Area, so you can embark on your expedition right away.

~ An invitation to the Private Community will wait for you inside of the Members Area - hop in, say hi and join the conversation.
If you join, but prefer not to be interrupted by every message, remember to adjust your notification preferences.

~ Instructions for how to book your first appointment or call with me will wait for you inside of the Members Area.
Do that ASAP, so we can identify your relevant necessities and draw together a clear initial road map you can use in the Membership Academy to work toward fulfilling your everyday dreams.

~ Updates about live sessions, new resources, specials and more will be posted in the Community and sent by email.

How can I be sure that the

Rise And Evolve Through Life Membership

is right for me?

You know you are just in the right place, because you:

  • Believe that life can be much more than a painful, stressful struggling and survival
  • Are tired of feeling disappointed, empty, overlooked, held back, unreciprocated
  • Are exhausted of finding yourself at the same starting point over and over

And understand that:

  • If you want to see different results, you first must change something in the way things are done
  • If you don't take the steps now, things will repeat, or get worsen, while you have less and less energy to deal with them
  • The darkness must be acknowledged and resolved in order for new dawn to rise, and light, lightness and freedom to shine

And are so ready to:

  • Explore new perspectives of your reality and make significant shifts
  • Face your very truth and meet your own spectacular self
  • Step into a meaningful, easy, rewarding, fulfilling way of existence
  • Be the divine masterpiece you were meant to be, and master your own life

Wait, Inbal, I have more questions...!

Can't find your question? Email me at [email protected]

  • How are the Rise And Evolve Through Life Memberships delivered?

    As soon as you are enrolled, you will receive a welcome email contains all the initial information and access to the Members Area and to the Community - so you can immediately start your journey, join and explore. Updates will get to you via email as well. The live online classes, workshops and events are delivered through a safe, super-easy web meeting platform, that doesn't require any downloads, unless you chose to use the app. All the content, including recordings of the masterclasses, will be waiting for you in the Members Area.

  • How much of my time will it require each month?

    this is totally up to you - and this is also how the Membership paths are designed. As long as you're registered, I'm here to support and guide you, and all the content in the Members Area and the Community is open for you - meaning, you can journey at your own pace and changing availability. It's recommended, though, to assign some time every week to engage, explore and practice, so that you can see the desired outcome and improvement in your life.

  • I've been on my spiritual path for many years, and have a lot of experince and knowledge. Does the Rise And Evolve Through Life Membership still have what to offer me?

    It has! The Rise And Evolve Through Life Membership is actually exactly for you - and specially now, because its development and updating can be tailored specifically to you. This is the right place to help you to put together everything you have done, learned and experienced until now, and finally get the results you were hoping for. I usually only work with those who have already been walking the spiritual path for a good while, but with these unique times of change and awakening, more and more people open up to the beyond, and actively seek more spiritual environment and guidance. Therefor, the Membership Academy And Communities is open to warmly welcome everyone. It is designed to deliver high quality value to different needs and stages, and on your own path you are going to have my available guidance and support so that you can make the best out of what it offers, feel motivated and inspired, and make real breakthroughs. Additionally, while the foundational training is essential to everyone, within a short time and with your valuable inputs and feedback, we will adjust the rest of the activity and the content to reflect and support the different levels, to ensure you have everything you need for your own growth and thriving, and for a transformative healing of your reality and life.

  • I'm a totally beginner, should I join the Rise And Evolve Through Life Membership?

    Of course, we all have to begin somewhere - and anyhow, after going through the foundational trainings, you will realize that you are not a beginner at all! That intuitively, you have already known much more than you acknowledged, and that the irresistible urge to seek the above and beyond, healing and evolvement, was always there. In these unique times of change and awakening, many people open up and actively seek more spiritual environment and guidance. The Membership Academy And Communities is open to warmly welcome everyone, and designed to deliver high quality value to different needs and stages - so you can make the best out of it, feel comfortable motivated and inspired, and make your first meaningful breakthroughs in challenging areas of your life. While the foundations training is essential to everyone, within a short time and with your valuable inputs and feedback, we will adjust the rest of the activity and the content to reflect and support the different levels, and to ensure that you have everything you need for your own growth and thriving, and for a transformative shift of your reality and life.

  • What if I want to cancel my subscription?

    Cancellation is easy. You can cancel any time, and your subscription will be cancelled within 7 days. Your subscription will not be renewed, and you will not be charged for the next billing cycle or any further. If you choose to cancel your subscription, all you have to do is to send me an email to [email protected] asking to terminate the membership. Upon cancellation, you will no longer have access to the Membership Site, the live sessions or the private Community.

Price Lock-In Guarantee

Keep your sign-up price as long as renewals continue without lapses. Cancel anytime.

Rise And Evolve Through Life

Membership paths

Heal Your Reality
every month
Self Paced Foundations

Rise and Thrive
every month
Fully Supported DIY
Freedom is Magic
every month
Pro Manifestation
Initial 70min Jump-Off session (Val. $240)
Give it a try: $48 for the first month

Including a monthly 70min 1:1 work session (Val. $240)
Including a monthly 130min 1:1 work session (Val. $400)
Online monthly masterclass + Q&A

Fundamental DIY self growth resources

Free Clarity Calls
Exclusive journey Community of Practice

20% off on private single sessions 
Evolvement focused newsletter
Individual guidance and support

Accountability partnership
Mastery workshops, series and classes 
Significant discount on advanced courses

30% off on private single sessions
PREREQUISITE:  Completion of a PREMIUM/VIP program
Advanced masterclasses and special events 
Hot Seat and Q&A Mastersoul Sessions
Free Your Mind - Practical workshops 
VIP Community of Practice

40% off on private single sessions

Pleasure to officially meet you, I'm Inbal  Lichtbrown

Inbal Lichtbrown

Hi, I feel so fortunate to meet you here.

How are you doing these days?

I've been escorting people along their self healing and actualization journeys since 2000, supporting all levels restoration - physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual, inspired by a rich background of Chinese and complementary medicine.

On my ongoing journey into self alignment and inner peace and freedom, I've been learning to accept myself as a whole, trust and have faith in myself, in my intuition and my emotions - instead of disconnecting, pleasing, and holding frustration, resentment and anger. To embrace and express my special talents and gifts in my unique, authentic way, instead of hiding and shutting down. And instead of feeling lonely and unwanted - to move through life with certainty and confidence, knowing and trusting I can soulfully cope with anything, and will always be supported and helped.

It enables me to much better deal with life and challenges, enjoy beauty and pleasure, and be of help, support and guidance to you and to other brave souls.

Together we uncover the real self, and reveal the individual uniqueness, special gifts and superpowers - to attain confidence, calmness, certainty and self actualization.

We enhance inner alignment, self regulation and free choice, and develop a stable reliable inner core - to promote fulfilling, harmonious, joyful reality and life.

This fundamental self integration work involves transformative processes,

using the Rebirth Method -

a spiritual-practical approach and system, incorporates profound ancient wisdom and powerful modern self-healing tools and techniques.

Through which we explore and decipher old mechanisms, shed unnecessary conditioning, heal unhealthy patterns, dissolve limiting glass ceilings,

and open a clean direct channel to the eternal omnipotent source, the heart of existence, that resides in each one of us and in the universe as a whole.

Why is the

Rise And Evolve Academy And Community of practice?

We live in unique times.

the world keeps changing rapidly around us, calling to get out of the unconscious way, and more consciously explore and question everything we have lived by and believed in until now.

You may feel the need to figure out, make decisions, align. To make yourself more resilient, grounded, authentic and balanced for the new reality and days to come.

You may feel the need to get rid of the old and shed the unnecessary, to become more you, connected and united with who you know you really are, to shift and transform into the life you really want to live.

Do you find yourself challenged, triggered and struggle more than before? -
You can be sure that you are not alone.
It’s just that everything is getting intensified in these unpredictable circumstances.

And as we know, every challenge can be either:

  1. A gateway to breakdown and desperation, or
  2. a transformative time of breakthroughs and growth

Because the Unknown is both
a full vagueness - and a full potential.

It can evoke feelings of fear and uncertainty, while it actually carries all the opportunities, possibilities and options.

Everything can get born out of the unknown. This is the womb of the universe, giving life to new ways of being.

It certainly takes a great deal of bravery to choose to step forward, and tap into a new, bolder version of your self and life. But it’s in your hands.

Always, but now more than ever -
when the past is over, the future is hard to read, and all is left is the here and now -
is the exact time to design and create your life the way you want it to be, to renew and thrive moment to moment.

As the current circumstances push us 

to be innovative and flexible, 

this one place to heal and grow, which has been planned for a long while, naturally came into manifestation.

When the mission of serving and providing profound valuable support and guidance to those (you too?) who choose to master the path of light, increase consciousness, and actively participate in the creation and the design of their own reality -

has become one of high priority.

Just like the times,

this new way of connection is about to be an unfolding path.

Like always, we dive deep and fly high, explore healing, manifestation and actualization through ego-soul-karma talking and work,

while this time - accompanied by spiritual resources and mindful practical tools, delivered via emails or text messages, and through online library, groups, classes and workshops.

Rise And Evolve Through Life

Membership paths

Heal Your Reality
every month
Self Paced Foundations

Rise and Thrive
every month
Fully Supported DIY
Freedom is Magic
every month
Pro Manifestation
Initial 70min Jump-Off session (Val. $240)
Give it a try: $48 for the first month

Including a monthly 70min 1:1 work session (Val. $240)
Including a monthly 130min 1:1 work session (Val. $400)
Online monthly masterclass + Q&A

Fundamental DIY self growth resources

Free Clarity Calls
Exclusive journey Community of Practice

20% off on private single sessions 
Evolvement focused newsletter
Individual guidance and support

Accountability partnership
Mastery workshops, series and classes 
Significant discount on advanced courses

30% off on private single sessions
PREREQUISITE:  Completion of a PREMIUM/VIP program
Advanced masterclasses and special events 
Hot Seat and Q&A Mastersoul Sessions
Free Your Mind - Practical workshops 
VIP Community of Practice

40% off on private single sessions