Get out of this sticky stuckness

Not sure where to start?

Follow this simple 10 steps process

to come back to clarity and focus,
figure out and move on

IMPORTANT NEWS: You are not stuck!

It's your protective survival system ensuring your safety
by convincing you to keep orbiting in the same familiar path

You experience it as 'stuckness', but this is what actually happens:

Two of your main inner parts are starring here - 

  1. your divine part, the spirit, who is fully aware to it's great potential and aspire to grow and thrive,
  2. and your earthly part - the mind/ego, the inner logical responsible adult, determined to ensure your safe survival at any cost.

The latter is fond of familiarity, certainty and stability,

while the former is eager to evolve and expand -
to find better ways, change and move on,
excited to discover new options and try new promising adventures.
Passionate about using its super powers, gifts, tendencies and abilities in full,
in order to reveal new horizons, develop and enjoy new skills and enable more possibilities, pleasure and happiness.

This upsetting feeling of stuckness is the battle between the two -

would the protective ego, who needs certainty and  control, win?

Or your free spirit, who is ready to get rid of old restrictive concepts and suffocating limitations
and move forward to a brighter future?

The real problem is not that you don't know what to do -

the REAL PROBLEM is that your protective ego considers change as unsafe.

In order to save your life, it's now distracting you from your clear thinking -
and pulling you into strongly believing that relinquishing the current, even though not beneficent, way,
is impossible, irresponsible and dangerous -
what if you get lost? Fail? Get hurt? Criticized? Make a joke of yourself?

And through this imposed fear it prevents you from following your soul -
your knowing intuition, your deep truth, your wise heart, a higher call -
into a new clear future, which for the ego is foreign and unknown.

So now what?

This From Stuckness To Freedom process
(which was shared until now only in my private community)
is designed to address this exact conflict
and set you free to figure out and move on;

Its 10 steps maintain a reasonable amount of familiarity and certainty in order to relax the ego and make it feel safe to let you change,

while encouraging your spirit to peacefully open up, explore, discover and proceed into a fresh new chapter.

Take a glance...

Here is how your focused stuckness-to-freedom system works:

    1. GET STARTED: Prepare For Resolution

    2. STEP 1: Disengage, Breath, Acknowledge

    3. STEP 2: Take Responsibility

    4. STEP 3: Accept And Embrace Feelings And Emotions

    5. STEP 4: Become An Open Researcher

    6. STEP 5: Go Back To The Last Working Point

    7. STEP 6: Zoom Out To Examine The Full Picture

    8. STEP 7: Find The Blind Spot

    9. STEP 8: Define And Prioritize Core Values

    10. STEP 9: Uncover All The Options

    11. STEP 10: Make A Conscious Choice And Re-Plan

  • $49.00
  • 11 lessons
  • Audio + Transcript

Are you ready to move on?

Getting out of stuckness is priceless.

The original price of From Stuckness To Freedom In 10 Steps is $280

But I really want to make this process accessible to everyone who feels ready to open up and step into new possibilities

and invite you to come back to focus and clarity

for only one payment of


What happens after I register?

~ To begin the journey, you’ll receive a welcome email with an immediate access to the process, so you can start right away.

~ An invitation to the WhatsApp group will wait for you on the welcome email, so you can join at any moment.

If you join, but prefer not to be interrupted by every message, remember to enable 'Mute notifications' on the group's menu.

Pleasure to meet you, I'm Inbal  Lichtbrown

Inbal Lichtbrown

Hi, I feel so fortunate to meet you here.

How are you doing these days?

I've been escorting people along their self healing and actualization journeys since 2000, supporting all levels restoration - physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual, inspired by a rich background of Chinese and complementary medicine.

On my ongoing journey into self alignment and inner peace and freedom, I've been learning to accept myself as a whole, trust and have faith in myself, in my intuition and my emotions - instead of disconnecting, pleasing, and holding frustration, resentment and anger. To embrace and express my special talents and gifts in my unique, authentic way, instead of hiding and shutting down. And instead of feeling lonely and unwanted - to move through life with certainty and confidence, knowing and trusting I can soulfully cope with anything, and will always be supported and helped.

It enables me to much better deal with life and challenges, enjoy beauty and pleasure, and be of help, support and guidance to you and to other brave souls.

Together we uncover the real self, and reveal the individual uniqueness, special gifts and superpowers - to attain confidence, calmness, certainty and self actualization.

We enhance inner alignment, self regulation and free choice, and develop a stable reliable inner core - to promote fulfilling, harmonious, joyful reality and life.

This fundamental self integration work involves transformative processes,

using the Rebirth Method -

a spiritual-practical approach and system, incorporates profound ancient wisdom and powerful modern self-healing tools and techniques.

Through which we explore and decipher old mechanisms, shed unnecessary conditioning, heal unhealthy patterns, dissolve limiting glass ceilings,

and open a clean direct channel to the eternal omnipotent source, the heart of existence, that resides in each one of us and in the universe as a whole.