What if you could shift stress, struggle, conflict, frustration,
into peace, confidence and fulfillment?

If you could enjoy wholesome and prosper
relationships, health, career and life?

"Why despite everything I try and do things still don't work the way I want??"

"How come no matter how much I give I always get so little in return??"

"What's wrong with people why do they have to be so annoying??"

"Why am I so lazy is it really so hard to follow through with my plans??"

"Am I ever going to just enjoy life without having to worry and take care of everything all the time??"

Log into Creator Of My Life to discover:

  • How to peacefully make things work the way you want
  • The highway to genuine, meaningful and fulfilling interactions, connections and relationships
  • Your most powerful secret engine to move people to willingly cooperate, contribute and support your endeavors

And to find how to:

  • Tap into inner peace and freedom and enjoy ease and harmony
  • Openly express your needs and wants and have them being respected and accepted
  • Connect to your authentic desires an passions and naturally act on them
  • Turn your awareness and spirituality practice into a reliable source of calmness and clarity
  • Establish a strong connection to your intuition and deep truth and attain self confidence, self trust and self love
  • Welcome magnificent synchronicity and manifestations

What is waiting for you inside?

Welcome to your journey:

    1. From Reactor To Creator

    2. The 4 Stages Self Revelation Spiral

    3. Creator Of My Life - Downloadable eBook [PDF]

    1. The Fantasy And The Gap

    2. Diagnose Your Repetitive Pattern

    3. Hi, I'm Inbal Lichtbrown

    4. Making The Best Out Of This Journey

    1. 1. Explore Your Perception: Transformative Creation

    2. 2. Explore Your Perception: The Complete Story

    3. BONUS #1: [Mini Course] The Journey Of The Soul

    4. 3. Life From Inside Out: Emotional Wisdom

    5. 4. Life From Inside Out: Drop The Drama

    6. 5. Life From Inside Out: From Suffering To Calmness

    7. BONUS #2: [Mini Course] Rebirth - A Deep Emotional Regulation Method

    1. 6. Internal Liberation: Stay Centered

    2. 7. Internal Liberation: Yes To Yourself

    3. 8. Internal Liberation: Total Freedom Of Choice

    4. BONUS #3: [Soulful Daily Journaling] From Intention To Manifestation

    1. 9. Magic Time: Non-Doing

    2. 10. Magic Time: You Are Eternal

    1. Effortless And Enjoyable As A Way Of Life

About this course

  • 21 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content
  • 3 Special Bonuses
  • Course eBook

Click & Join

Make breakthroughs into satisfaction, calmness and happiness

What happens after I register?

~ To begin the journey, you will receive a Welcome Email with an immediate access to your new Creator Of My Life course, so you can embark on your expedition right away.

~ The Private Community is where you can ask any question, share your thoughts, get help and feedback and meet like minded friends;
An invitation to the Private Community will be waiting for you inside of the Members Area - hop in, say hi and join the conversation.
If you join, but prefer not to be interrupted by every message, remember to adjust your notification preferences.

~ If you are a member of one of the Rise And Evolve Through Life membership paths, updates about Q&A sessions and related workshops will be posted in the Community and sent by email.

Pleasure to meet you, I'm Inbal  Lichtbrown

Inbal Lichtbrown

Hi, I feel so fortunate to meet you here.

How are you doing these days?

I've been escorting people along their self healing and actualization journeys since 2000, supporting all levels restoration - physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual, inspired by a rich background of Chinese and complementary medicine.

On my ongoing journey into self alignment and inner peace and freedom, I've been learning to accept myself as a whole, trust and have faith in myself, in my intuition and my emotions - instead of disconnecting, pleasing, and holding frustration, resentment and anger. To embrace and express my special talents and gifts in my unique, authentic way, instead of hiding and shutting down. And instead of feeling lonely and unwanted - to move through life with certainty and confidence, knowing and trusting I can soulfully cope with anything, and will always be supported and helped.

It enables me to much better deal with life and challenges, enjoy beauty and pleasure, and be of help, support and guidance to you and to other brave souls.

Together we uncover the real self, and reveal the individual uniqueness, special gifts and superpowers - to attain confidence, calmness, certainty and self actualization.

We enhance inner alignment, self regulation and free choice, and develop a stable reliable inner core - to promote fulfilling, harmonious, joyful reality and life.

This fundamental self integration work involves transformative processes,

using the Rebirth Method -

a spiritual-practical approach and system, incorporates profound ancient wisdom and powerful modern self-healing tools and techniques.

Through which we explore and decipher old mechanisms, shed unnecessary conditioning, heal unhealthy patterns, dissolve limiting glass ceilings,

and open a clean direct channel to the eternal omnipotent source, the heart of existence, that resides in each one of us and in the universe as a whole.

I'm here to support you - click & join me

To make breakthroughs into satisfaction, calmness and happiness