Congratulations and welcome to your new journey!

A direct access will land in your inbox in a few minutes
to take you another essential step toward life of confidence, peace, freedom and fulfillment

If you can't find it, please check the spam box, or email me at [email protected]

Just a moment, before you go -

You have a time limited opportunity now

To discover your next level of your self revelation and actualization

and finally understand why things don't work for you the way you want,
and how to once and forever shift into a reality you're really happy to live:


A personally tailored full ONLINE work session of 100min with me,

book it now for a special price

Do things in your life not work for you the way you want

no matter how much you try and change?

Do you meet the same challenges and frustrations over and over?

We mistake to think that we came to this world

clean and fresh like a blank canvas.

And what is the truth?

The truth is, that we come with experienced and memories, and even an ancient wound.

And that our initial reality was created through these memories and injury.

Which affect every and each step we take.  

At the 100min Welcome Session, we: 

  1. Look into what bothers you the most at the time.
  2. Reveal the hidden unbalanced mechanism that generates the challenge.
  3.  Design a clear first step toward shifting into balance, ease and fulfillment.

The session is customize to you, 

and stands alone - without any further commitment.  

Regular price: $190

Your 20% Off Special Price Today

Only now on this page

From stuckness and struggle to clarity and focus

Only one payment of



What happens after you're pressing the button?

  1. After the payment, you are going to land at the Book Your Appointment page on my Transformation Point website.
  2. There is an essential information for you in the top white frame, then you're welcome to scroll down to the big button.
  3. Click the "book Your Visit Now" big button at the bottom of the page. You'll be transferred to the Online Booking System.
  4. Choose the "Online Welcome Session, 100 min" from the offered list and book your appointment.
  5. Follow the directions on the confirmation email - set up a user on the OutSmart system, and fill out and submit the consents and the intake form.
  6. I'll  contact you in a short time after the appointment was booked, and we will continue together from there.

Pleasure to meet you, I'm Inbal Lichtbrown

IMG_2277.JPGHi, I'm Inbal Lichtbrown.

I feel so fortunate to meet you here.

How are you doing these days?

I’ve been escorting people along their self healing and actualization journeys since 2000, supporting all levels restoration - physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual, inspired by a rich background of Chinese and complementary medicine.

My own ongoing journey into self alignment and inner peace and freedom, enables me to much better deal with life and challenges, enjoy beauty and pleasure, and be of help, support and guidance to you and to other brave souls.

Together we uncover the real self, and reveal the individual uniqueness, special gifts and superpowers - to attain confidence, calmness, certainty and self actualization.

We enhance inner alignment, self regulation and free choice, and develop a stable reliable inner core - to promote fulfilling, harmonious, joyful reality and life.

This fundamental self integration work involves transformative processes,

Rebirth Method -

a spiritual-practical approach and system, incorporates profound ancient wisdom and powerful modern self-healing tools and techniques.

Through which we explore and decipher old mechanisms, shed unnecessary conditioning, heal unhealthy patterns, dissolve limiting glass ceilings,

and open a clean direct channel to the eternal omnipotent source, the heart of existence, that resides in each one of us and in the universe as a whole.